AI Assisted Ideation Process

Code For All
3 Months
Team Involved

3 Developers

Code For All

The Challenge

The company was manifesting difficulty in generating comprehensive features, risks, and user stories for software development projects based on initial ideas. The lack of a standardized method for identifying and redefining project requirements and specifications efficiently icreased the need for a solution that leverages AI to automate the process of feature generation, risk assessment, and user story creation.

Our Goals

Our main goals was to enable users to register ideas and also allow them to select the most suitable features for their idea, from the generated list. Additionaly, one of our objectives was the implementation of a refinement phase where AI models generate Front-end and Back-end features and necessary integrations.

Our Solution

Our team developed a model-driven app using Microsoft's Power Platform to facilitate idea registration and project planning that integrates AI models to automate the generation of features, risks, and user stories based on user-provided data. Additionaly, our solution uses AI algorithms to refine the initial ideas into actionable project specifications.

The Results

What our client says

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